The global shipping industry is the backbone of international trade. This article explores areas in which legal strategies can help the shipping industry meet supply chain risks
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In Gard Marine & Energy Ltd v China National Chartering Co Ltd (The “Ocean Victory”) [2013] EWHC 2199 (Comm), the Claimant Underwriters claimed damages from the Defendant Time Charterers where the vessel was lost on departing Kashima port.


Charterers ordered the vessel, a Capesize bulk carrier, to discharge at Kashima. The vessel sought to

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The vessel was chartered on the NYPE form for nine months. Six months into the charter period, Charterers suggested that the vessel be redelivered on completion of its current voyage as they were having difficulty in fixing cargoes. The parties agreed an addendum stating that the vessel would be redelivered early “after

In Minerva Navigation Inc v Oceana Shipping AG (The “Athena”), the Commercial Court considered the nature of the loss of time which Charterers were required to prove in order to bring the vessel within the off-hire provisions of an amended NYPE 46 charterparty.

Clause 15 of the charterparty provided as follows (with amendments from

An article by Edward Yang Liu, Legal Assistant at Reed Smith Richards Butler in Hong Kong, commenting on Isabella Shipowner SA v Shangang Shipping Co Ltd (The “Aquafaith”) (2012) EWHC 1077 (Comm) has been published in Shipping and Trade Law.

The article considers the issues examined by the court, in particular whether Owners could refuse

BIMCO has published a standard form Charterparty Guarantee, in respect of the guarantee of Charterers’ payment obligations and liabilities under a time charterparty. As well as payments due to Owners by Charterers, the document also incorporates a guarantee in respect of Charterers’ liabilities for other items including bunkers, port charges and stevedoring costs. Owners may

BIMCO has updated its Radioactivity Risk Clause for time charterparties. Several changes have been made to the clause, including a provision to protect owners against the consequences of unknowingly taking on board ballast water contaminated by radioactivity, and an amendment to the radioactivity survey provision. The latter now provides for a fairer allocation of costs